Friday 21 November 2014

Mother Earth is united with itself and heals
The body is damaged but soul and spirit are light and strong
Almost everything is in place for the new time

May the sun shine brightly and clearly without dark veils
May the moon shines brightly and clearly
May the stars show the way with its light
May humanity find peace in themselves internally
peace with each other and peace outside
I pray for the blessing of our Earth and all her children

Sirius, Hubble Space Telescope

Thursday 20 November 2014

Mother Earth
A place for all kinds of beings, both incarnated and non-incarnated
both beings of our dimension and other dimensions

Many people describe abduction
A being who is active in another dimension but sometimes also seen in our own
No beings that lives on Earth but foreign based

These beings are neither good nor evil
They do as they are told to do
Now they have been told to leave Earth and to take everything that is their own with them

All they have left in form of energies or objects in living beings and in earth shall be removed

There is a large object located in Earth
Just like a big wheel
Transmits and receives
Controls and conveys
This was removed
The wound in the earth is still to heal

The Earth and the people will be affected by this in some way 
It will make them feel both happy, sad and scared all at once

Many humans perhaps will experience an abduction when it will be cleaned and cleared

Grey will probably hopefully soon not be a burden for people anymore

                      The Earth seen from Apollo 17                       


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Rain and rough weather outside
Darkness and darkness and darkness around the Earth
But even light and light and light ;-)

There is so much light and so much darkness
so the contrast has not been clearer for a long time

There is worry on many levels around Mother Earth
The uncertainties and peoples doubt creates this
Those sent on commitment here move to their positions
and everything is as it should be
While they struggle to understand the human inside of them
It's the contrasts that teaches people what they should learn
Why humans need to have it so obvious before they understand?
There are probably many who are wondering about that

Think about all the wonderful and loving around you
Choose to reinforce this with your thoughts and words
Do not give in to negative thinking spirals and don't end up in condemnation and in darkness
No, it will not be lightfully to judge just
because a "light" person does it
or a person experiences herself as lightfull
Your thoughts and actions will create your future